Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (2025)

Learning A-Z Raz-Kids delivers interactive computer-based and mobile books and quizzes at different levels of text complexity. Raz-Kids Raz-Kids

“Raz-Kids helped our students achieve great amounts of growth while getting them really excited about reading. If you’re looking for a way to help students grow their reading skills and get excited about reading, it’s definitely worth the investment!!”

Rebecca, School/District Admin from Texas, Cincinnati, Ohio

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Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (2)

Becoming a skilled reader has never been more empowering with the practice opportunities available in Raz-Kids! Equipped with everything students need to strengthen essential skills, this digital-first, student-centric solution drives literacy success for K-5 students.

  • 800+ digital books to meet your students’ unique needs and interests
  • Tools to develop active reading strategies and create student agency
  • Engaging student portal for independent practice

Start Free Trial

Start a trial for 40+ educators with adistrict trial today.

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (3)

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (4) Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (5)


for 1-year subscription
(That’s only $11.00 a month!)

Order Now

Visit our Support Center to address any additional questions or Contact us for a quote today. The displayed price is presented on a per classroom/family/home basis.


Support Your Teachers With Raz-Kids Request a Quote

Raz-Kids is Essential for Educators and Students

“If our teacher wants us to find the main idea in the book that we’re reading, I can find the highlighter and take my notes.”

Student, Clear Creek Elementary

Take a look at how Clear Creek Elementary has used Raz-Kids and other Learning A-Z solutions to increase student motivation and advance reading levels.

Fascinate Learners.
Build Skilled Readers.

Cater to each student’s unique interests and needs with diverse content themes, language options, and accessible formats.

Let the love of reading extend beyond the classroom. Enjoy 24/7 access to digital books using the Kids A-Z mobile app.

Drive students to advance reading levels by completing activities in our engaging student portal.

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (6)

Bring Parents Along for the Journey

Education is more impactful when caregivers play an integral role in their child’s education.Our easy-to-access Parent Portal and digital resources enable parents to read with their students, keep up with progress, and stay connected.

See How Teachers Are Using Raz-Kids!

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (7)

“Raz-Kids helped our students achieve great amounts of growth while getting them really excited about reading. If you’re looking for a way to help students grow their reading skills and get excited about reading, it’s definitely worth the investment!!”

School/District Admin from Texas

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (8)

"I am a Special Education teacher in a special needs private school where I work with various learning abilities and differences. Raz-Kids is the ONLY app that ALL of my students LOVE. It keeps them engaged in independent ELA rotations, differentiates instruction for individual needs, and provides meaningful, easily collected data to monitor each student's progress. This is the best money I have spent as a teacher. Thank you!"

Teacher from Georgia

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (9)

"Before using Raz-Kids, my daughter’s DIBELS test scores were average with one area in need of support. After using Raz-Kids, every single score was off the chart. Her scores doubled the number that moved her up to the next level, and in one area it had tripled! She has a strong foundation of reading and comprehension that helps her succeed in other areas of school. Now she can focus on loving school, work on building friendships and helping others. Thank you for being part of her foundational support!"

Parent from Utah

How Raz-Kids Impacts Third Graders’ Reading Comprehension and Attitude Toward Reading

Research Applies to: Raz-Kids, Raz-Plus

View Report

Raz-Kids and Developmental Reading in First-Grade Students

Research Applies to: Raz-Kids, Raz-Plus

View Report

Developing a Lifelong Love
of Reading

From a library of books and complementary practice activities that meet kids at their reading level, to empowerment tools that help them become more active readers, Raz-Kids truly offers all students the differentiated practice they need to level up their reading skills.

Help students become active readers and hone critical thinking skills with a set of annotation and recording tools included in Raz-Kids.

Raz-Kids makes reading fun by offering rewards and incentives that keep students motivated to practice.

Address learning gaps with the instant feedback available to teachers and parents each time a student completes an activity or assessment.

Strengthen Literacy With Learning A-Z

Three flexible K–5 solutions to help you create confident readers.

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (10)

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (11)

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (12)


Essential K-5 literacy suite that pairs the teacher resources of Reading A-Z and the student practice opportunities of Raz-Kids, plus more


  • Digital assignments and assessments
  • Independent practice aligned with instruction
  • Detailed performance reports
  • Printable, projectable, and digitally assignable books and materials

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (13)


Resources to support teacher-led instruction and student books to print and project


  • Printable and projectable books and resources
  • Standards-aligned K–5 lesson plans
  • Decodables, comprehension resources, language practice materials, and much more
  • Assessments

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (14)


Gamified student portal with digital library designed for active learning and independent practice


  • Vast customizable library
  • E-tools for active reading
  • Accessible online from anywhere
  • Simple performance reports
  • Student, parent, and teacher access

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (15)


Essential K-5 literacy suite that pairs the teacher resources of Reading A-Z and the student practice opportunities of Raz-Kids, plus more:

  • Digital assignments and assessments
  • Independent practice aligned with instruction
  • Detailed performance reports
  • Printable, projectable, and digitally assignable books and materials

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (16)

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (17)


Resources to support teacher-led instruction and student books to print and project

  • Printable and projectable books and resources
  • Standards-aligned K–5 lesson plans
  • Decodables, comprehension resources, language practice materials, and much more
  • Assessments

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (18)

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (19)


Gamified student portal with digital library designed for active learning and independent practice

  • Vast customizable library
  • E-tools for active reading
  • Accessible online from anywhere
  • Simple performance reports
  • Student, parent, and teacher access

Drive Student Outcomes With Learning A-Z

Sign up for a free trial of our products today! Trials include free samples for 40+ classrooms. Request a quote today to obtain 10+ licenses.

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What is Raz-Kids?

Raz-Kids is a K-5 solution that pairs reading practice with motivating tools that empower students to level up their reading skills. A blend of assignments and incentives, this kid-first solution gives students the agency to practice reading consistently to strengthen their literacy skills.

How does Raz-Kids build student agency?

Raz-Kids offers students a variety of interactive annotation tools and a recording feature to develop critical thinking and close reading skills. Students become motivated to use these tools to better understand what they’re reading, pass comprehension quizzes, and earn motivating virtual incentives.

How do products from Learning A-Z work?

Learning A-Z offers a wealth of literacy resources that align with research-based best practices and foster Social-Emotional Learning. Created to allow teachers to blend instruction using varied research platforms and tools, Learning A-Z products act as the perfect companion for instruction.

What professional learning options are available?

Learning A-Z provides a variety of live and on-demand professional learning options. To get started, we recommend viewing our recorded webinars and/or micro-learning videos. You can also sign up for our weekly live webinars, which highlight our various resources and provide on-the-spot opportunities to have your questions answered. You may also purchase professional learning and curriculum services that we tailor to meet your needs.

What is included with my subscription?

Subscriptions include one year of access to the purchased product(s) for up to 36 students per classroom, a dedicated support team available by chat, and complimentary webinars, videos, and guides to help you get started.

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (20)

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© 2024 LAZEL, Inc., A Cambium Learning® Group Brand. All rights reserved. Learning A-Z, Foundations A-Z, Raz-Kids, Raz-Plus, Raz-Plus ELL, Raz-Plus Español, Raz-Plus Connected Classroom, Reading A-Z, Science A-Z, Vocabulary A-Z, and Writing A-Z are registered trademarks of LAZEL, Inc. All other trademarks, logos, service marks are the property of LAZEL, Inc. or its affiliates.


A Cambium Learning® Group Brand

Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (22)

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Purchase a Subscription Only $135.00 a year

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Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids (2025)


Can you get Raz-Kids for free? ›

With technology at their fingertips, through the Raz-Kids Mobile App, students are encouraged to read anytime, anywhere on their iPad, Android, or Kindle Fire tablets. And with a subscription to Raz-Kids or the Reading Solution, it's FREE!

What are the pros and cons of Raz-Kids? ›

  • Pros: It's easy to differentiate, and students can listen to and read texts.
  • Cons: There's a lack of high-interest literature in the libraries, and the design is aging.

How much does a Raz-Kids account cost? ›

NEED MORE REASONS TO LOVE RAZ-KIDS? Start developing a lifelong love of reading today! Price: Only $125/year!

Can Raz-Kids books be downloaded? ›

If You Have Raz-Plus

Through the app, Raz-Plus customers have access to more than 2,000 eBooks and corresponding eQuizzes as well as thousands of other resources for their students to access on a smartphone or tablet!

What is the difference between Epic and Raz-Kids? ›

Some of our firsties were telling the story by reading the pictures, while others were able to listen to the story being read aloud. But all were eager to tell us what they had read! As I mentioned earlier, Raz Kids is based on the student's reading level. EPIC! is based on the child's age and interest.

Is Raz-Kids the same as Raz-Plus? ›

By combining the power of both Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids in one instructional interface, Raz-Plus provides a stronger connection between what is being taught and what students are practicing on their own. Provide standards-aligned reading instruction with more than 50,000 resources that develop key 21st century skills.

Is Raz-Kids worth it? ›

Overall Raz-Kids is an amazing product. ALL students are able to have just right books with lots of scaffolded support. Parents liked knowing that there was a place their children could go online and not only improve their reading and learn but also be safe.

Does Raz-Kids help with fluency? ›

Need More Practice for Fluency? Raz-Kids provides hundreds of books for reading practice at school or home. Raz-Plus provides thousands of books and passages for reading practice. Students listen to text for modeled fluency.

Is Raz-Kids phonics based? ›

The Decodable Passages Packs use a phonics-based approach to literacy instruction through simple, engaging stories. Set 1, Book 1 introduces students to the short a sound.

What age are Raz-Kids for? ›

Raz-Kids is a K-5 solution that pairs reading practice with motivating tools that empower students to level up their reading skills.

Can you print books from Raz-Kids? ›

As a member of Raz-Plus, you gain access to thousands of books, assessments, and other resources in printable, projectable, digital, and mobile formats. Ensure success in your classroom and beyond with engaging, developmentally appropriate books at various levels of text complexity.

Can a parent get Raz-Kids? ›

Parents can also request access

Click the icon to approve parent access.

Why use Raz-Kids? ›

Comprehensive Leveled Reading Resources for Kids

Raz-Kids is an award-winning teaching product that provides comprehensive leveled reading resources for students. With hundreds of eBooks offered at 29 different levels of reading difficulty, it's easy to put the right content in every student's hands.

How many levels are there in Raz-Kids? ›

Raz Kids is an award-winning K-5 online reading resource kids use to practice reading and improve their literacy skills, anytime, anywhere. Students have access to a library of interactive eBooks offered at 29 different levels of reading difficulty.

Is Raz-Kids and reading AZ the same thing? ›

Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids are part of the Learning A-Z family of websites, created by Cambium Learning (2013). The two websites work together to provide thousands of levelled reading materials that are both printable and digital, from various genres, and are typically suited for students in kindergarten to grade five.

How long is the Raz-Kids free trial? ›

Start your free 2-week trial today to see how Raz-Plus takes students' reading to the next level!

Is there an app to read children's books for free? ›

ICDL Books for Children comes from the International Children's Digital Library. This app allows kids to access thousands of picture books from all over the world. Good for: Kids 11 and under. Cost: Free.

Can you use Find My Kids for free? ›

Connect them to the reliable app Findmykids with a localized interface and technical support. You can use all the functions of the service for free for 7 days. At the end of this period, the free version will only have location tracking online. For all functions in the app, you will need to buy a subscription.

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Article information

Author: Margart Wisoky

Last Updated:

Views: 5421

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.