Posted on June 2, 2024August 27, 2024 by DaFeetLee


LP – Light Punch/Jab
MP – Medium Punch/Strong
HP – Heavy Punch/Fierce
LK – Light Kick/Short
MK – Medium Kick/Forward
HK – Heavy Kick/Roundhouse
PP – Any 2 Punches
KK – Any 2 Kicks
PPP – All 3 Punches
KKK – All 3 Kicks
cr – Crouching (Holding down direction)
s – Standing (Holding no direction)
f – Forward (Holding forward direction)
b – Back (Holding back direction)
j – Jump (While jumping)
xx – Cancel
+ – And
CH – Counter Hit
PC – Punish Counter
Dash – Pressing forward direction twice in quick succession
DI – Drive Impact (HP+HK)
Parry – Drive Parry (MP+MK)
OD – Overdrive (Same as EX special moves from past SF titles)
DR – Drive Rush (Dash after a normal connects OR Parry+Dash in neutral)
QCF – Quarter Circle Forward or 236
QCB – Quarter Circle Back or 214
DP – Dragon Punch Motion (Forward, Down, Down+Forward) or 623
QCFx2+P (Messatsu Gohado) – Level 1 Super
QCFx2+P (Tenma Gozanku) – Air Level 1 Super
QCBx2+P (Empyrean’s End) – Level 2 Super
QCFx2+K (Sip of Calamity) – Level 3 Super/CA
LP > LP > f+LK > HP (Raging Demon/Shun Goku Satsu) – Alternate CA1



  • (Against standing opponents) crLP/sLP/crLK, crLP, sLK xx QCB+LK, crHK – 1470 Damage
    (Against crouching opponents) crLP/sLP/crLK, crLP, sLK xx DP+HP – 1650 Damage (1290 Damage against far crouching opponents)

    Akuma’s main light confirms from crLP or sLP. QCB+LK whiffs against crouching opponents so if you notice your opponent is crouching during your initial light attacks, you want to convert into DP+HP instead of QCB+LK. If you start with crLK because you want to hit your opponent with a low hitting light confirm, all of these combos will do 100 less damage.

Counterhit Confirms

  • (Against standing opponents) crLP/sLP (CH), crMP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 1710 Damage
    (Against close crouching opponents) crLP/sLP (CH), crMP xx DP+HP – 1890 Damage
    (Against far crouching opponents) crLP/sLP (CH), crMP xx QCB+MP xx f+P – 1760 Damage

    Akuma’s main CH confirms from a CH crLP or sLP. Akuma’s DP+HP hits less when it connects against far crouching opponents so convert into QCB+MP instead.

Punish Counter Confirms

  • (Midscreen against standing opponents) crLP (PC), sHP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 1870 Damage
    (Near corner against standing opponents) crLP (PC), sHP xx QCB+LK, QCB+HK – 2220 Damage
    (Against close crouching opponents) crLP (PC), sHP xx DP+HP – 2050 Damage
    (Against far crouching opponents) crLP (PC), sHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P – 1990 Damage

    Akuma’s main PC confirms from a PC crLP. This is Akuma’s main punish against moves that are -4 or more. Akuma’s sLP is only +8 on PC so you want to always punish with crLP (which is +9 on PC) instead. Akuma’s DP+HP hits less when it connects against far crouching opponents so convert into QCB+HP instead.

Drive Rush Confirms

  • (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 1638 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+P (Level 1) – 2145 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCBx2+P (Level 2) – 2605 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 3485 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (CA) – 3735 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P xx QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 3737 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P xx QCFx2+K (CA) – 3987 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+LP xx f+P xx LP > LP > f+LK > HP (Raging Demon) – 3994 Damage

    Akuma’s main DR extension from a cancellable light normal midscreen if he has <= 3 Drive Bars. As you can see, you don’t get much additional damage if you choose not to spend super from a DR. Therefore, you should only do these DR extensions if you want to kill your opponent with super or put them close to death. If you start with crLK because you want to hit your opponent with a low hitting light confirm, all of these combos will do 100 less damage.

  • (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 1952 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+P (Level 1) – 2540 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCBx2+P (Level 2) – 3000 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 3880 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (CA) – 4130 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P xx QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 3979 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P xx QCFx2+K (CA) – 4229 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LP xx f+P xx LP > LP > f+LK > HP (Raging Demon) – 4287 Damage

    Akuma’s main DR extension from a cancellable light normal midscreen if he has >3 Drive Bars. As you can see, you don’t get much additional damage if you choose not to spend super from a DR. Therefore, you should only do these DR extensions if you want to kill your opponent with super or put them close to death. If you start with crLK because you want to hit your opponent with a low hitting light confirm, all of these combos will do 100 less damage.

  • (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, QCB+HK – 1865 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+P (Level 1) – 2145 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCBx2+P (Level 2), bHK xx QCF+LK xx K, QCB+HK – 2853 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 3485 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (CA) – 3735 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, DP+LP xx QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 3825 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, DP+LP xx QCFx2+K (CA) – 4075 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx QCB+LP xx f+P xx LP > LP > f+LK > HP (Raging Demon) – 3994 Damage

    Akuma’s main DR extension from a cancellable light normal near the corner if he has <=3 Drive Bars. As you can see, you don’t get much additional damage if you choose not to spend super from a DR. Therefore, you should only do these DR extensions if you want to kill your opponent with super or put them close to death. If you start with crLK because you want to hit your opponent with a low hitting light confirm, all of these combos will do 100 less damage.

  • (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCB+HK – 2008 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+P (Level 1) – 2540 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCBx2+P (Level 2), bHK xx QCF+LK xx K, QCB+HK – 3248 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 3880 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (CA) – 4130 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, DP+LP xx QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 4067 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, DP+LP xx QCFx2+K (CA) – 4317 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crLP/sLP, crLP, sLK xx DR, crLP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LP xx f+P xx LP > LP > f+LK > HP (Raging Demon) – 4287 Damage

    Akuma’s main DR extension from a cancellable light normal near the corner if he has >3 Drive Bars. As you can see, you don’t get much additional damage if you choose not to spend super from a DR. Therefore, you should only do these DR extensions if you want to kill your opponent with super or put them close to death. If you start with crLK because you want to hit your opponent with a low hitting light confirm, all of these combos will do 100 less damage.



  • (Against standing opponents) sMP, crLP, sLK xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2010 Damage
    (Against crouching opponents) sMP, crLP, sLK xx DP+HP – 2190 Damage

    Akuma’s main confirms from sMP. Akuma’s sMP is a good combo starter because it’s +1 on block so you can continue pressure even if it’s blocked. QCB+LK whiffs against crouching opponents so if you notice your opponent is crouching during your combo, you want to convert into DP+HP instead of QCB+LK.

  • (Against standing opponents) crMP, crMP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2220 Damage
    (Against close crouching opponents) crMP, crMP xx DP+HP – 2400 Damage
    (Against far crouching opponents) crMP, crMP xx QCB+MP xx f+P – 2260 Damage

    Akuma’s main confirms from crMP. crMP is a higher damage starter than sMP but the main difference is that crMP is -1 on block so Akuma loses his turn if it’s blocked. Akuma’s DP+HP hits less when it connects against far crouching opponents so convert into QCB+MP instead.

Counterhit Confirms

  • sMP (CH), sMP xx sMP xx QCB+HK – 2840 Damage

    Akuma’s main CH confirm from a CH sMP.

  • (Midscreen) crMP (CH), crHP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2640 Damage
    (Near corner) crMP (CH) crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, QCB+HK – 3400 Damage

    Akuma’s main CH confirm from a CH crMP.

Punish Counter Confirms

  • (Midscreen against standing opponents) crMP (PC) sHP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2540 Damage
    (Near corner against standing opponents) crMP (PC) sHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, QCB+HK – 3300 Damage
    (Midscreen against crouching opponents) crMP (PC) sHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P – 2660 Damage
    (Near corner against crouching opponents) crMP (PC) sHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, QCB+HK – 3300 Damage

    Akuma’s main PC confirms from a PC crMP. This is Akuma’s main punish against moves that are -6 or more (Specifically, his best punish against blocked Drive Reversals). Akuma’s sMP is only +8 on PC so you want to always punish with crMP (which is +10 on PC) instead.

  • fMK (PC), crHK – 1740 Damage
    fMK (PC), QCBx2+P – 3640 Damage

    Akuma’s main PC confirms from a PC fMK. If you’re near the corner, you can further extend your combo from QCBx2+P.

Drive Rush Confirms

  • (When Akuma is cornered) crMK xx DR, sHP, sMK xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2069 Damage
    (When Akuma is midscreen) crMK xx DR, sHP, sMP xx sMP xx QCB+HK – 2269 Damage
    (Near corner) crMK xx DR, crMP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, QCB+HK – 2422 Damage

    Akuma’s main confirms from crMK DR. Depending on his position on the screen, you want to adjust your routing to get the best damage.

  • DR fMP, sMK xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2320 Damage
    DR fMP, sMP xx sMP xx QCB+HK – 2720 Damage

    The first confirm is for oki midscreen while the second one is more damaging and has strong corner carry. You can DR/spend OD after the sMK accordingly if you want to spend more meter for the kill (The DR combos and OD combos from sMK are the same as the DR combos and OD combos from crMP).

  • (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2887 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+P (Level 1) – 3329 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCBx2+P (Level 2) – 3701 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 4581 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (CA) – 4831 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P xx QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 4986 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P xx QCFx2+K (CA) – 5236 Damage
    (Midscreen with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LP xx f+P xx LP > LP > f+LK > HP (Raging Demon) – 5192 Damage

    Akuma’s main DR extension from a crMP confirm midscreen if he has <= 3 Drive Bars. You should try to spend the appropriate amount of super meter if it will kill your opponent or put them close to death.

  • (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 3418 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+P (Level 1) – 3925 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCBx2+P (Level 2) – 4385 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 5265 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (CA) – 5515 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P xx QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 5517 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P xx QCFx2+K (CA) – 5767 Damage
    (Midscreen with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LP xx f+P xx LP > LP > f+LK > HP (Raging Demon) – 5774 Damage

    Akuma’s main DR extension from a crMP confirm midscreen if he has >3 Drive Bars. You should try to spend the appropriate amount of super meter if it will kill your opponent or put them close to death.

  • (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 3125 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+P (Level 1) – 3329 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCBx2+P (Level 2), bHK xx QCF+LK xx K, QCB+HK – 3949 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 4581 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (CA) – 4831 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P xx QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 5173 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P xx QCFx2+K (CA) – 5423 Damage
    (Near corner with <=3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LP xx f+P xx LP > LP > f+LK > HP (Raging Demon) – 5192 Damage

    Akuma’s main DR extension from a crMP confirm near the corner if he has <=3 Drive Bars. You should try to spend the appropriate amount of super meter if it will kill your opponent or put them close to death.

  • (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCB+HK – 3537 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+P (Level 1) – 3925 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCBx2+P (Level 2), bHK xx QCF+LK xx K, QCB+HK – 4633 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 5265 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LK, QCFx2+K (CA) – 5515 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, DP+LP xx QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 5605 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P xx QCFx2+K (CA) – 5855 Damage
    (Near corner with >3 Drive Bars) crMP, crMP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx DR, fHP, crHP xx QCB+LP xx f+P xx LP > LP > f+LK > HP (Raging Demon) – 5774 Damage

    Akuma’s main DR extension from a crMP confirm near the corner if he has >3 Drive Bars. You should try to spend the appropriate amount of super meter if it will kill your opponent or put them close to death.

OD Special Confirms

  • (Near corner) crMP, crMP xx QCB+PP xx f+P, crHP xx QCF+LP, QCB+HK – 3780 Damage
    (Near corner) crMP, crMP xx QCB+PP xx f+P, crHP xx QCF+LP, QCFx2+P (Level 1) – 4020 Damage
    (Near corner) crMP, crMP xx QCB+PP xx f+P, crHP xx QCF+LP, QCBx2+P (Level 2) – 4260 Damage
    (Near corner) crMP, crMP xx QCB+PP xx f+P, crHP xx QCF+LP, DP+LP xx QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 5580 Damage
    (Near corner) crMP, crMP xx QCB+PP xx f+P, crHP xx QCF+LP, DP+LP xx QCFx2+K (CA) – 5830 Damage

    Generally, Akuma should only use QCB+PP as a combo extender near the corner. As you can see, it does more damage than simply DR canceling his crMP.



  • sHK, crMP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2420 Damage
    sHK, sMK xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2520 Damage
    sHK, sMP xx sMP xx QCB+HK – 2920 Damage

    The first two confirms are for oki midscreen while the third one is the most damaging and has strong corner carry. Akuma’s sHK force stands so you don’t have to confirm whether your opponent is standing or crouching. It”s also +3 on block, which means Akuma can continue pressure even if it’s blocked. However, be careful just throwing this move out in neutral because the second hit whiffs against crouching blocking opponents (and it’s -13 on block if the second hit whiffs).

  • fHP xx fHP xx HK – 2100 Damage

    Akuma’s fHP target combo is a very important footsie tool for Akuma and it has a high hit confirm window, which makes it easily hit confirmable.

Counterhit Confirms

  • (Midscreen against standing opponents) sHP/fHP (CH), sLK xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2280 Damage
    (Near corner against standing opponents) sHP/fHP (CH), sLK xx QCB+LK, QCB+HK – 2270 Damage
    (Against crouching opponents) sHP/fHP (CH), sLK xx QCB+LP xx f+P – 2170 Damage
    (Against crouching opponents) sHP/fHP (CH), sLK xx DP+HP – 2460 Damage (1980 Damage against far crouching opponents)

    Akuma’s main CH confirms from a CH sHP or fHP.

  • sHK (CH) sHP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2780 Damage
    sHK (CH) sHP xx QCB+HK – 3040 Damage

    Akuma’s main CH confirms from a CH sHK. The first confirm is for oki midscreen while the second one is more damaging and has strong corner carry.

Punish Counter Confirms

  • (Midscreen) sHP (PC), sMK xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2680 Damage
    (Midscreen) sHP (PC), sMK xx QCB+HK – 2940 Damage
    (Near corner) sHP (PC), sMK xx QCB+LK, QCB+HK – 3100 Damage

    Akuma’s main PC confirms from a PC sHP.

  • (Midscreen) sHK (PC), crHP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 2880 Damage
    (Midscreen) sHK (PC), crHP xx QCB+HK – 3140 Damage
    (Near corner) sHK (PC), crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, QCB+HK – 3640 Damage

    Akuma’s main PC confirms from a PC sHK. The first confirm is for oki midscreen while the second one is more damaging and has strong corner carry.

  • (Midscreen) QCB+HP (PC), crHP xx QCB+LK, crHK – 3000 Damage
    (Midscreen) QCB+HP (PC), crHP xx QCB+HK – 3260 Damage
    (Near corner) QCB+HP (PC), crHP xx QCB+HP xx f+P, QCB+HK – 3760 Damage

    Akuma’s QCB+HP is his highest damage PC starter. Generally, you always want to start your punishes against OD reversals/supers with QCB+HP if possible.

Drive Rush Confirms

  • For the sake of not being redundant, Akuma’s DR combos from sHP xx DR or sHK, crMP xx DR are the same as the DR combos from crMP xx DR. Please refer to the Drive Rush Confirms section from Akuma’s Medium Confirms (See above).

OD Special Confirms

  • For the sake of not being redundant, Akuma’s OD special combos from sHP xx or sHK, crMP xx are the same as the OD special confirm combos from crMP. Please refer to the OD Special Confirms section from Akuma’s Medium Confirms (See above).


  • (Midscreen) jMP xx QCB+KK, DP+HP – 3050 Damage
    (Near corner) jMP xx QCB+KK, QCB+HK – 3120 Damage
    jMP xx QCB+KK, QCFx2+P (Level 1) – 3540 Damage
    (Midscreen) jMP xx QCB+KK, QCBx2+P (Level 2) – 3960 Damage
    (Near corner) jMP xx QCB+KK, QCBx2+P (Level 2), bHK xx QCF+LK xx K, QCB+HK – 4500 Damage
    jMP xx QCB+KK, QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 4800 Damage
    jMP xx QCB+KK, QCFx2+K (CA) – 5150 Damage

    Akuma’s main confirms from an air to air jMP xx QCB+KK.

  • (Midscreen) jMP xx QCF+MP/HP, DR bHK xx QCF+HK xx HK, crHK – 2435 Damage
    (Near corner) jMP xx QCF+MP/HP, DR bHK xx QCF+HK xx HK, DP+HP – 2639 Damage
    (Midscreen) jMP xx QCF+MP/HP, DR bHK xx QCF+HK xx HK, QCBx2+P (Level 2) – 3249 Damage
    (Near corner) jMP xx QCF+MP/HP, DR bHK xx QCF+HK xx HK, QCBx2+P (Level 2), bHK xx QCF+LK xx K, QCB+HK – 3497 Damage
    jMP xx QCF+MP/HP, DR bHK xx QCF+HK xx HK, QCFx2+K (Level 3) – 4129 Damage
    jMP xx QCF+MP/HP, DR bHK xx QCF+HK xx HK, QCFx2+K (CA) – 4379 Damage

    Akuma’s main confirms from an air to air jMP xx QCF+MP/HP


  • (Near corner) QCB+HP (PC) crHP xx QCB+PP xx f+P, bHK xx QCF+KK xx QCF+P, DR crMP xx DR, bHK xx (Perfect charge) QCF+P, QCB+MK, DP+LP xx QCFx2+K (Level 3/CA) – 6702 Damage with Level 3/6952 Damage with CA

    Akuma’s max damage combo so far. If anyone found a higher damage combo than this, please let me know on Twitter!

  • sHP xx LP > LP > f+LK > HP – 5500 Damage
    sHK, LP > LP > f+LK > HP – 5500 Damage

    Akuma can hit confirm his sHP directly into Raging Demon for huge damage. He can also easily link Raging Demon after a sHK.

  • (Near corner) Anything into QCF+PP, QCB+HK
    (Near corner) Anything into QCF+PP, QCFx2+P (Level 1)
    (Near corner) Anything into QCF+PP, QCBx2+P (Level 2)
    (Near corner) Anything into QCF+PP, QCFx2+K (Level 3/CA)
    (Spaced out near the corner) QCF+PP, Dash, DP+HP
    (Spaced out near the corner) QCF+PP, QCFx2+P (Level 1)
    (Spaced out near the corner) QCF+PP, DR bHK xx QCF+K xx K, etc.

    Akuma’s QCF+PP is an incredibly strong pressure tool because it is +2 on block and leaves Akuma in throw range if blocked. You can also throw out QCF+PP spaced out near the corner because Akuma can easily hit confirm QCF+PP if it hits (due to how high it juggles on hit).

  • (After a blocked DI wall splats near the corner) crHP xx QCF+LP, QCB+HK
    (After a DI wall splats near the corner) bHK xx (Partia Charge) QCF+LP, QCB+HK

    Akuma’s main meterless combos after DI wall splats near the corner. Your combo starter has to change depending on if the DI was blocked or not. You can obviously spend Level 1/2/3/CA if you want to add more damage for the kill.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.